Community Standards


Photo of house frame

Modifications to your home should be considered very carefully. If done poorly, they could actually lower the home’s value, and the value of surrounding properties.

All structures in Meadowcreek Village must meet local building codes. This ensures public safety and preserves property values. Your deed restrictions may have additional requirements for building size, placement, and types of material to be used.

Most construction or remodeling in Houston needs a building permit. To obtain one, you must certify that your plans meet the requirements set forth in the neighborhood’s deed restrictions. An easy way to do this is to have them reviewed by the Meadowcreek Village Civic Club.

A Plan Review Form can be downloaded from the Deed Restrictions section of this site, or request one by mail from

Meadowcreek Village Civic Club
P.O. Box 87606
Houston, Texas  77287

Once you have it, follow the directions to submit your plans for review.

Construction done without a required permit or that violates deed restrictions may be ordered to be removed at the owner’s expense.

Be sure to call 8-1-1 before any digging to have utility lines marked.